World's Fair Information Manual

Pavilion of Central America - Panama
Dr. Pedro Abelardo Delgado
Secretario General
Secretaria Permanente del Tratado
General de Integracion Economica
Apartado 1237
Guatemala, Centralamerica
The Honorable Olga Marshall
Commissioner General
Consul General of Costa Rica
420 Lexington Avenue
New York 17, New York
MU 5-1517
The Honorable
Roberto Trigueros Larraondo
Consul General of El Salvador
211 East 43 Street
New York 17, New York
TN 7-0065
Mr. Bruce Nicholson
February 8, 1963
Block 30; Lot 7
International Area
9,950 sq. ft.
Gaspar Pacheco
c/o Secretaria Permanente del Tratado
General de Integracion Economic
Apartado 1237
Guatemala, Centralamerica
Arq. Federico Morales
Av. Juan Aberle No. 19
San Salvador
El Salvador, Centralamerica
Ing. Harold Albert Sumner
Apartado Postal 1021
San Salvador
El Salvador, Centralamerica
Tradesman Construction Co.

SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual

The theme and interior design of the Pavilion presents three aspects of Centralamerica and Panama; agriculture, industry and commerce. On the front facade of the Pavilion is a mural showing a map of the Centralamerican countries with the Pan American Highway as well as other regional roads and railroads.

The exhibit also features six swivel mountings with 12 enlarged photos showing archeological scenes of the countries and pictorial exhibits to further tourism.

The first floor features a coffee bar. On the mezzanine is a small gift shop. The rear plaza is designed as a show area for the daily presentation of folkloric dances.

Pre-Columbian designs and ancient and contemporary art from El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama are exhibited on a revolving basis.

Centralamerica and Panama

Source: NY World's Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965