1964 & 1965 Official Guide Book & Souvenir Map Entries

The description of this exhibit from the 1964 Official Guide Book

Cover- 1964 Guidebook

The description of this exhibit from the 1965 Official Guide Book

Cover - 1965 Guidebook

The location of this exhibit on the 1964 Official Souvenir Map

Cover - 1964 Official Souvenir Map

The world's most powerful searchlight beam rises from the center of this unusual building, whose exterior walls consist of 600 aluminum prisms fitted together to form an eye-catching pattern. Sponsored by investor-owned electric utility companies throughout the nation, the building is entered by a moving ramp that carries visitors over a reflecting pool and deposits them on a giant turntable. The turntable revolves past seven chambers, stopping at each chamber for a new episode of a musical presentation on the benefits of electricity.
* Admission: free.
* Show takes 25 minutes
AROUND THE THEATER. Inside the show chambers, three-dimensional animated figures and special audio-visual effects and songs illustrate the wonders of electric power and light. The scenes include a research laboratory of flashing lights, whirling turbines and sparking coils; a "beauty parlor" in which an animated "Madame Cow" extols the pleasures of warm electric milkers on icy winter mornings; a house filled with modern electric appliances; a barrage of 4th of July fireworks; and a dazzling Christmas sequence.
THE SOURCE OF LIGHT. In the center of the pavilion, visitors may examine the 12 one-billion-candlepower searchlights - equal to 340,000 automobile headlights - that create the central beam, which points straight up and is visible for miles around.
ELECTRICAL CLIMATE CONTROL. Behind a double-glass window in a special chamber near the exit is a frosty, iridescent cave; in the cave figures of a cheerful penguin, a lovesick polar bear and a sirenlike mermaid act out the advantage of modern air-conditioning.


A musical show depicts the benefits of electricity. Pointing skyward from the pavilion is the world's most powerful searchlight.

The building, rising in a forest of aluminum-faced prisms, is sponsored by 150 investor-owned electric utility companies. Visitors see the 15-minute show from swivel seats on a giant turntable.

THE THEATER. In a musical show featuring animated figures, a character called Reddy Kilowatt introduces Ben Franklin to the modern uses of electricity. In one scene on a farm, Reddy and Ben sing of the joys of electrical living; in another scene of a typical home, modern appliances amaze old Mr. Franklin.
SOURCE OF LIGHT. The 12-billion candle-power beam rising out of the pavilion's center is turned on nightly amid appropriate ceremonies, often attended by celebrities.
Admission: free.