the New York World's Fair opens in a few months, one of its most
spectacular features will be a gigantic U.S. Royal Tire - stretching
80 feet high and carrying its 96 passengers on a thrilling ride.
Aboard this dramatic "tire", you will have a high,
clear view of most of the Fair's outstanding exhibits, fountains
and promenades. The Fair-goers will see, from the ground, a huge
replica of a U.S. Royal Tire, bearing the Red Circle of Security,
and illuminated letters four feet high. At night the "tire"
will be floodlighted, and visible from every part of the grounds
and from Grand Central Parkway.
Many millions will see this passenger-carrying
U.S. Royal Tire, and thousands will ride on it.
At its entrance, displays will familiarize
the public with U.S. Rubber's diversified tire line.
We hope you and your friends will see
it and ride in it too. When you do, you'll notice how many U.S.
Rubber products have been used in its construction; U.S. Vibrin®
polyester resin reinforced with glass fiber was utilized for
the 17,500 pound laminated outer shell. The gondolas, made of
U.S. Expanded Royalite®, have seats cushioned with Koylon® foam
rubber and covered with Naugahyde® vinyl upholstery,
and are carpeted with Royal Vinyl Carpet. All in all, our giant
tire pays fitting tribute to the size and diversification that
distinguishes United States Rubber. See you at the Fair!